Jubilee Celebrations at Hurst Bowling Club

Posted by Hurst Bowling Club on Monday, July 9, 2012 Under: General

Jubilee Celebrations at Hurst Bowling Club


As part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations on the Tuesday Bank Holiday, the club opened its green to the people of Hurst. At 2 o’clock when the celebrations started, so did the rain. Our stalwart members were undeterred; we donned our wet gear and prepared to meet our guests. The residents of Hurst were also not to be beaten by the weather, they tried their hand at bowls.

We were able to introduce 25 people to the game, our most successful open day to date. Eight children were among the guests who had a go. One seven year old girl now brings her dad every Tuesday evening to improve her skills. Dad is enjoying the practice too.

Though we were wet, cold and tired we had a great time and gained some new members. Then it was home to a hot bath and bed.

In : General 
